Elevator control tube connection...

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Elevator control tube connection...

Post by beechdrvr »

Curious what others have done. The plans call for a piece of 3/4" sq tubing to be affixed to the end of a piece of 3/4" round tube. That presents a sort of round peg, square hole scenerio.
IMG_8216.jpg (2.63 MiB) Viewed 57 times
My question is, why can't it be something along the lines of what the plans for the Acrosport show. I really so no apparent reason it couldn't be. Am I missing something?
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Re: Elevator control tube connection...

Post by Bitshifter »

I thought the same until I made the part. When you cut the V into the square tube it gives a perfect line to weld on. I think it's an easier weld than the drawing you referenced.
Ed White
HC 154

"In life 10% wrong is failure, in school it's an A"
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Re: Elevator control tube connection...

Post by beechdrvr »

I saw your pictures. I think I may just construct it like the control yokes. Mill a radius in the end, bend a u-Channel then straps welded along side. I just can’t see any engineering benefit/difference from either of the drawings. Guess just different ways of skinning the same cat.
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