Introduction and starting my questions

A forum about all aspects of the construction and maintenance of the Billy Dawson inspired modified Hatz Classic biplane. Here is the place to ask your questions and get the answers from the real experts.
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Joined: Fri Jan 20, 2023 1:05 pm

Introduction and starting my questions

Post by lynnRC »

Hello everyone I joined awhile back and have been mostly reading through the vast amounts of info available. A little about where I'm at with the project.... I took over a parts collection for the classic last year. The fuselage was factory built early on and is pretty good. found a few errors that I'm correcting, but its not bad. The plans are from 2002, when you could get kits. Anyway, the original guys had collected a lot of parts, but not really started on the build. They pretty much got tired of spending money with no progress, and it set all these years in the back of the hangar. Having restored a couple of certified planes, they figured if it was going to ever be completed, I was the guy. Short of the long, I was given the project for FREE. Fast forward to now and It is coming together nicely. The wings "all 4" are now built and currently mounted on the fuselage for fitment. Flying wires are in place for fitment and the tail section is on. I'm currently at the final full mockup on these items before removal to cover. A few small things to address, such as landing lights and wiring. I have the toe brake pedals welded and getting ready to weld the master cyl mounting bar in place. Not going with heel brakes....The insterment panel has been fully templated out and ready for final router work. This has been a lot of work and long long hours getting to this point. Couple of quick questions to start with. Oh and the planed engine is the Verner S9 Radial from Scalebirds.

1: Saw on here that someone was making the upper turtle deck from fiberglass and selling. I followed the link and it was a dead end. Is this guy still making these for sale? If so, any contact info would be appreciated. Honestly, I would rather buy it if available to save time.

2: I have the Baja lights like used on the RV builds and need some advice on mounting brackets/clear covers. The airfoil is slightly different on the RVs but I think the lens can be slightly modified. I'm planning on a single light each bottom wing between a rib and false rib. I have routered out reinforcement pieces to the rib ends, but still haven't made the skin leading edge cuts yet. My question is: Is there a preferred mounting kit/lens kit/combo that is preferred for the Clark Y airfoil?

This should be enough questions to start. Thank you