Intercom - What's best in a noisy environment?

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Intercom - What's best in a noisy environment?

Post by ecooper »

What are your suggestions and experience with Intercoms. What do you recommendations for the best intercom to enhance hearing/being heard with the noise levels of the open cockpit Hatz?
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Re: Intercom - What's best in a noisy environment?

Post by rawheels »

Installed the Sigtronics Sport 200 since it said it was for noisy environments, but still ended up installing and always using Push-to-Intercom buttons. Just too windy and noisy for self-squelching. With ANR headsets (and instructing passengers to lean into the windscreen when talking) it works well enough for basic commands and info.
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Re: Intercom - What's best in a noisy environment?

Post by mmarien »

My Glasair was a noisy plane. Like riding in a tin can before I added some upholstery. I tried the PS1200 intercom that is made for a noisy environment. It worked but I didn't like the sound at higher noise levels. I suspect it did a lot of filtering. What did work were ANR headsets with leather covers for the mic. My last radio was a Garmin GTR200 and I used the built in intercom. Worked really well. But then I didn't fly with the doors open.
Murray Marien - HC 0180
Saskatoon Canada
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