Finally got flying today!

A general discussion area where you can talk about the various flying characteristics of the Hatz and Kelly-D.
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Finally got flying today!

Post by Dana »

New England winters are tough, good open cockpit days are precious... went to the airport last weekend hoping to fly but although it wasn't too cold to fly and wasn't too windy, it was too cold and windy. Oh well. Then it got really cold this past week. But today it was 45° and sunny with light winds, and after struggling to get the engine started (dead battery combined with an engine that's been sitting for two months) I finally got airborne! Rusty for sure, did three of the worst landings I've done in two months, but they were the only landings I've done in two months so I guess I shouldn't complain. Tomorrow looks nice too, I work 15 minutes from the airport so maybe I can take a long lunch... ;)