New HBA Treasurer

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Re: New HBA Treasurer

by JBMoore » Tue Apr 07, 2020 1:18 pm

Hi all,
Don't forget it is that time of year to renew your affiliation with the greatest type club there is.
Attached is the renewal form so just print it out, fill it out and mail it in.
All will be well.

Thanks, and stay Hatzy!
HBA Membership Renewal.pdf
(349.44 KiB) Downloaded 198 times

Re: New HBA Treasurer

by painless » Wed Feb 19, 2020 10:21 am

I will attest that Jeff has been doing a bang-up job so far. Much had to be done to make necessary changes which he has dealt with over the last couple of months. Hatz off to him!

As for not making a meeting and getting elected, I was there and got elected president anyway! :shock:

New HBA Treasurer

by JBMoore » Wed Feb 19, 2020 7:18 am

That will teach me to miss a meeting...........
The Association has a new Treasurer - me!
Thanks to Jim and Jeannie for all they have done over the years and I will do my best to continue in the professional way they maintained the finances.
It's that time of year for dues.
If you print the form from the website, please mail it to me and not Jim in Colorado.
The address is:
HBA Treasurer
9981 S 50 W
Pendleton, IN 46064
The form in the newsletter should have the correct address.
See you in July at Brodhead!
